Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Baby chains, smiles, and freak outs

As of today, Benjamin is now 13.4 pounds (up about half a pound from last week). If he keeps this up he'll have doubled his birth weight by next week! Since next week he'll only be three months old, this is about a month sooner than the "average" baby. The onesie he's wearing in the picture above is a size 6 months. It's a bit too wide for him, but fits well in the length.

It's taken him about a week, but from the time I attached the baby "chain" to his bouncy chair to now he's already gotten way better at hand-eye coordination and can grab onto the chains almost every time he tries. He keeps trying to pull them into his mouth (which isn't possible since he always grabs the chain links that are up high), but he seems to enjoy the challenge.

Another new little development has been him trying to smile around the bottle during a feeding. Of course that makes him stop eating, but it is extremely cute.

pulling on the bouncy chair chains
Lately his freak outs seem more wild and extreme than before. When he really gets going with a crying jag it's more difficult to calm him. However, when I do finally get him calm, it is such a happy relief that I really feel like I accomplished something.  :)
enjoying the mobile

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