Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Happy baby, happy Tree

After such a wonderful family-filled weekend it has been kind of hard to go back to normal life, but luckily Benjamin has seemed extra contented yesterday and last night. Night before last when he woke up around 5:00, I came in to feed him and he gave me the biggest smile (normally he's a bit befuddled and fussy during night feedings). That made 5 a.m. wake-up not matter at all! Then last night he actually slept EIGHT hours! I woke up several times to go check on him, but he was sleeping happily. I'm not counting on that happening regularly, but it sure was nice!

He's getting better at following objects with his eyes (as evidenced in the video of him in his swing), and he is happier for longer periods in his bed (looking up at the insect mobile) and in the swing. He still loves being in the baby backpack more than anything, and that's our only sure-fire way of calming him down if he is inconsolable.

Another exciting thing happened lately: the teacher workbook I wrote and published a few years ago is now back in print (the company is doing a "print on demand" thing). So you can look me up on Amazon.com now!

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