Thursday, October 11, 2012

My little bibliophile

Yesterday for the first time Benjamin was interested in books (well looking at the pictures anyway)!! He and I lay on our backs on the nursery floor and I read him some of Jack Kent's nursery rhymes. He stared and stared at the pictures. Then later that afternoon we read Where the Wild Things Are the same way. Technically Where the Wild Things Are is his "first book", since it's the first book we've read him all the way through. It's such a joy to be able to share reading with him, even if only in small chunks for now.

Yesterday the new Target which is only 2 minutes from my house finally opened (it's next door to the Earl Abel's restaurant), and Benji and I spent almost an hour perusing the aisles. (He slept the whole time in the baby backpack.) I got him the soft little puppy blanket and the colorful car seat hanger in the picture. Hopefully both will help make him more entertained in the car. He hasn't noticed the colorful hanging toy yet, but he loves putting the puppy blanket in his mouth.

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