Thursday, October 25, 2012

"Babywearing" to the rescue (mostly)

After a couple of lovely weeks of 8 straight hours of glorious sleep, Benjamin has decided to change his sleep patterns the last few nights (going back to 5-6 hours at a time). He's also stopped falling asleep during his last feeding of the night and instead wants to be up and cheery when I'm ready for bed.

So now he and I walk around the house (him in the baby backpack) for about an hour until he totally conks out. It's a bit tricky to unbuckle and lift a limp baby out of a backpack without waking him, but I'm getting pretty good at it.

I don't know what I would do if I couldn't "baby wear" a lot of the time. It's almost always a complete cure-all for him. Although yesterday when he was in the babyback at Walmart, I didn't realize that we had a diaper malfunction until I looked down and realize I had a HUGE wet circle on my shirt and jeans and that one of his pant legs was soaked. I guess the his weight in the baby backpack tends to squish down on the diaper causing it to hold less than it might otherwise. That's ok though. It's still more than worth it.

Babar onesie!
Benji's startle reflex has also gotten more sensitive lately. Depending on his mood, even the slightest noise will cause him to fling out his arms and get a terrified look on his face. The other evening, I made an unlady-like burp, and he got so scared he started to cry! That'll teach me.  :)

the eyebrows say it all

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