Saturday, August 11, 2012

A few bright spots to report:

For the first time in a week and a half I got a whopping 4 and half hours of uninterrupted sleep!! Babies this young who are breast fed are supposed to eat every 2-3 hours, but are allowed one 4-5 hour period, and he actually gave me one last night!

Happy point number two: Yesterday I forgot to mention that the doctor said Benjamin now weighs 6 lbs 15 oz, which is 1 ounce over his birth weight. The standard expectation is that babies regain their birth weight by two weeks of age, so Benjamin's ahead of the curve there!

Also, we had a lot of fun seeing Leilani, Luis, and their kids last night. Leilani is a baby-problem-fix-it-guru. She showed me a way to burp Benjamin that we hadn't tried before that actually WORKS (nothing we had previously tried had been very successful at all and that had led to a lot of spit-up in the bassinet). She also showed us the best way to file Benjamin's fingernails and then filed them for us, so maybe he won't wake up with so many little scratch marks.

The last bright spot is the huge success of the swing Benjamin's Aunt Katie got him. Just now I had to hang up the phone with Benjamin's Gramma and Pop because he was screaming, and I put him in the swing and turned on the music function on the swing (for the first time), and he almost immediately stopped screaming and is sitting there happily chewing on his fingers and staring around the room. THANK goodness.

Clay had actually already begun to discover how much of a music lover Benjamin is when he started playing MP3s earlier and that calmed him down. So we are making small steps towards sanity. Baby steps, I should say.   :)

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