Monday, August 27, 2012

two steps BACK

sure, he LOOKS angelic
As great as Saturday night was (for Benjamin NOT crying and fretting for hours before bed), last night was worse than before. He not only screamed off and on for four hours until one in the morning, but then after his last night time feeding (when I can usually get an extra hour or two of sleep), he started all over again. JOY. This was especially annoying because Clay had to get up at 4 am to drive to Brownsville today for work. Even though I take care of Benjamin during the night time feedings/changings, our house is so small it's hard to block out our little boys fabulous set of lungs. I've tried four times today to nap when he naps and he keeps waking up just as I doze off. I sure hope tonight is better!

On a non-baby-related, but very positive note, I'd like to say my mother-in-law is a problem-solving genius. When she was here taking care of me after Benjamin was born she noticed our disgusting bird poop problem. Our driveway is right under two big trees and the cars are constantly being splattered with bird mess. This has annoyed us for years, and in a day or so she had actually come up with (and bought) a solution: a large plastic owl. The owl has been sitting on the garage roof for more than a week now, and there is NO bird mess on our cars. This is so wonderful!

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