Thursday, August 30, 2012

"Well" visit & pics

 We had Benjamin's next "well visit" at the pediatrician's today. Instead of taking his normal lunch break, Clay met me at the doctor's office so he could be there for the appointment.

So far, Benjamin has grown a quarter inch in length in the last month and put on a pound in weight. After telling the doctor what I've been discussing with the lactation specialist and how I've been supplementing, he was happy to send a referral for Benjamin to a local pediactric ear, nose, and throat specialist. So tomorrow I'm going to call that doctor and see about getting Benjamin an appointment.

Benjamin is always in his best mood of the day right after his breakfast feeding, so I got out the camera this morning to see if I could capture it. He still hasn't smiled (except in passing (gas)), but now that he's almost a month, that will hopefully come soon!

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