Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Night time is for screaming

Just when it seemed like dear little Benjamin had gotten into some what of a sleep schedule, he kept me up till around three in the morning last night alternately crying, eating, and staring bright-eyed around the room. We think it's probably a sign of a growth spurt (we've read this usually happens around 2-3 weeks). It makes me wonder what tonight has in store!

At least Benjamin let me sleep a bit off and on this morning (as you can see from the pictures below he's slept just fine today). I feel sorry for Clay, though, since he got up around 1 to give me a little break & then had to go to work as usual.

In other news, Benjamin's grip is definitely getting stronger; it seems like there is more of a reason to what he grabs onto, too. Like this morning during tummy time he grabbed onto the floor mat and used that to help him maneuver.

Another good thing: today is the first day I've gone completely without pain medication, and I'm doing just fine! Oh yeah, and today is his 3 week birthday!!! It's hard to believe it's only been three weeks!
I think Benjamin looks a LOT like Clay here!!!