Sunday, August 12, 2012

One hour at a time...

Things are still going well in baby Benjamin land. Even so, every so often I think about all the days and weeks and months that will have to pass before I get even close to having a good night's sleep or until he can sit up, or play, and feel very overwhelmed.

I think I need to be more like one of Cesar Milan's dogs and try to live in the moment and not focus on the future so much. I keep trying to remind myself to enjoy each hour he is calm and happy, and center my thoughts on that.

In other news, Clay's mom, Irene, has spent the last week taking wonderful care of me, comforting me, and helping out in every way possible. Around noon, (after going one last round of dishes), she headed back home. My uber fun sister-in-law, Katie, has now come to pick up the caring for Tree + Benito torch. Clay has had to go to Boston again for a few days, but when he returns on Wednesday he shouldn't have any more over night trips for a long time.

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