Monday, August 20, 2012

And a good weekend was had by all

Our little family had a lovely weekend: the first "normal" weekend since Benjamin was born. I feel like we're really getting routines down a bit better, and starting to figure things out. Meal times are still a little tricky (inevitably Benjamin is ready to eat just as we're sitting down to a meal), but I am definitely learning to do more things one-handed.

We got to introduce little Benjamin to more of our friends, and got done a lot of little things I'd been wanting to go (like hanging the "fairy door" Clay's mom got me in a backyard tree; see picture below). Also, the incredible Clay saw to it that I only changed like 2 diapers (during the day time, anyway) ALL weekend.

Right now Benjamin is enjoying a bit of "tummy time", and is managing pretty well to raise and turn his head every so often (also pictured below). It will be great when he has true neck control and isn't so floppy-necked.

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