Saturday, August 25, 2012

Coffee & bath time

Between Clay watching Benjamin for two hours of evening fussy-time last night and us sleeping in this morning, I actually got a cobbled-together total of 8 hours of sleep last night!!!! Miraculous!

We had thought about going to the farmer's market this morning, but it got a bit late (& hot), so instead we decided to tackle giving Benjamin his first non-sponge bath. Aside from a minor fiasco when at first we didn't realize we had to click the two parts of the tub into place (causing the counter top and silverware drawer to get a bit flooded), his first bath was a success. Eventually there will be bath time pictures, but today we felt like we needed "all hands on deck" for his first bath.

After lunch we went to our favorite coffee place and I had my first bit of real caffeine since he was born. It will be very interesting to see if the caffeine seems to transfer to him, & if I totally regret my little coffee indulgence.

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