Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fun times with Auntie

Benjamin and I have had a fantastic two days with his Aunt Katie! We are both so lucky to have her here bringing constant cheer, enthusiasm, and fun!!!

Today we all took a little trip to Target (during which Benito screamed only most of the time), and didn't calm down until we got back out into the sweaty San Antonio heat of the parking lot. I've noticed that going outside often zonks him out, at least for a short while.

Then Katie helped me with his first (of many) at-home photo sessions. Afterwards we had an adventure trying to use non-toxic paint to take his foot and hand prints (with much less success on the hand prints). I'm really going to miss having Katie around!

I also had my two week doctor's appointment at which I was told I'm healing from the c-section just fine, I can start driving again tomorrow, and I've lost TWENTY POUNDS in the last two weeks. Sweet.

Oh yeah, and Clay gets home from Boston tomorrow!!! Yeah!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy I could come down to spend some time with you two!! I had a blast :) and I hope to see you all soon! (Im looking forward to getting pics of little Ben!!)
