Friday, August 17, 2012

Fatherhood and the Art of Public Parenting

I had the profoundly-obvious realization this morning that there have been blogs with multiple authors since the advent of blogging, that this feature could be used in my wife's blog, and that it might be a good idea if I were to, I dunno, contribute to the family blog. When I shared this thought with Tree, she made the monumental mistake of inviting me as an author to what has otherwise up until now been a nice place on the internet for people to read about what's happening with our son. I'm confident that my contributions will lower the tone, tenor, and quality of your reading experience.

See Exhibit 1, attached. This is my son looking like a Baby Pharaoh in the improbably-difficult process of undressing him. Under most circumstances, he is squirmy and recalcitrant when we want to either add or subtract clothing from his body. In this case, he was what the lactation consultant at the hospital called "Milk Drunk," and as such was in no state to put up a fight. I took the photo for a personal, private laugh, but I guess if I'm going to be a father of questionable judgment then I might as well put such things up on the internet, right?

More to come.

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