Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Not so hot

We had a bit of an oven disaster last night. Clay texted me around 5:30 to say he was on his way home from work, so I started to pre-heat the oven. As Clay was pulling into the driveway I went back to the kitchen to put dinner in the oven, and was hit by strong gas fumes.  Panicking, I turned off the oven and checked if it was hot inside (it wasn't). As soon as he got inside, Clay hustled both me and Benjamin outside to get away from the smell (where we were promptly surrounded by mosquitoes, but NOT noxious fumes). Not fun. Meanwhile, one of the many homemade freezer meals I had defrosted for this week was sitting uncooked out on the counter, and our stomachs were growling.

Luckily for me, Clay saved the day by knocking on our neighbor's door and getting an oven-repair-guy recommendation. The neighbor invited Benjamin and me in to wait in the cool while Clay got the house aired out. We ended up getting a to-go order of food for dinner, and coming home to a non-stinky house. It's funny how much more something like that totally screws up an evening when you have a vulnerable baby to worry about.

The repair guy came today and fixed the oven, so hopefully we'll be enjoying a nice meal at home tonight with no drama.

There's no real Benjamin news today, but below are two "I just finished eating and I can't decide if I'm sleepy or wiggly" photos from this morning. I think I have changed his outfits three times since then due to one sort of soiling or the other. The upside of that is that Benjamin is definitely getting use out of all the cute clothes we were given!

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