Thursday, August 16, 2012

Neeeeeed..... Sleeeep

So today was my first full day with Clay back from Boston (yeah!!!!!!), although of course he had to ho to work today. But it's also my first day of just me taking care of Benjamin all day(which has been trickier than I thought-with only one pair of arms around to soothe baby).

I think things would have been mostly just fine if Benito had let me get more than 2 hours of sleep at a time last night, OR if he had napped more than 10 minutes at a time this morning. Every time I tried to put him down he'd start screaming bloody murder.

I thought two week old infants were supposed to sleep a lot more than this!! Luckily for me, Clay coming home from lunch helped return a bit of my sanity, but still! This afternoon I finally was able to put him down for a nap and sleep a couple of hours myself, do I feel a bit better now.

I think one of the hardest things about this all is just not knowing how to make things better and when they will get better. I know everyone says this phase doesn't last long, but since I'm in the middle of it right now, it sure can wear on the psyche!

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