Friday, August 17, 2012

Wearing Mr. Benjamin

As bad as yesterday was is as good as today has been. Last night Clay took charge of Benjamin right after his late evening feeding & let me go to sleep (while Clay undertook the tricky task of settling him down for the night). So I got a good 4-5 hour stretch of sleep, which made ALL the difference in today!

After seeing how successful Clay was "wearing" Benjamin last might when we walked to Walmart, I decided to try the baby backpack on myself this morning. Not only did Benjamin like it, he fell asleep as I got some house work done! It was great to be able to be close to my little one without my arms getting super tired! Hurray for a small victory!

Then this afternoon I took Benjamin for his first car trip with just me by myself (which worked out nicely). We picked up some photos I was having printed and then returned something at Target, & mostly he just slept soundly in his car seat.

Pictured below are the baby backpack (you can't see Ben in it), Benjamin having a little tummy time when Clay came home for lunch, and Benjamin napping on me (going on as I write this).

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